Monday, January 29, 2007


Why does god ever want us to get close to someone when he knows that they can't have the same relationship for long??? May be he thinks that better to take these humans thru it rather than them not experiencing it at all. I understand that happening once; but y does he have to do it again and again? Why does he make you go thru such painful phases in life; phases which even force you to make wrong decisions in life? Is it to test our immune towards depression? ***l***t! Cant wait to get outta such a phase man!!! I know it'll pass by but each day seems to drag on like decades.......................................................................................

Let everyone go to hell!!! Me Too!!!!

Monday, January 15, 2007


Have you ever realised a world without moms...u cant and can ever will coz there will be no world without her...there is not a soul who has not uttered the word mom and there is not comparitive feeling to that...

She is a godess whom you can speak to your heart out and she will forgive the grossest of mistakes...she will go thru hell and still make sure you get what you want...still feel that may be she could have done more for you...

But you may not exactly feel the same for her...coz there is no comparision to the feelin a mom has for her kids...

Even when the kids leave her deserted in her old age (when she needs them da most) she doesnt blame them...instead believes that they may have some dire problems bcoz of which he/she has taken that short she cannot even think of holding them gulity
But what happens when she leaves us forever...a child attached to his/her mom doesnt even want to think of such a situation in a normally led life...

But there comes a phase in life where few ill fated souls have to go thru this...and thats the time you actually realise how important she is in your start recollectin the fun filled days with her...days wen she played with u...scolded u...loved u...beat u...hugged u...laughed at ur stupid jokes...cried with u..for u...protected u...shouldered u...supported u...carried u...shored u...sheltered u...da list goes so do da memories...

I think more than the child, its the spouse who goes thru more pain and trauma durin this phase...coz he is the one who has been with her more than anyone else...

God Bless all those souls who go thru this and may Lord give them enough strength to withstand the ordeal!!!

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